What if My Cravings are for Savory Foods?
If you're having a sugar craving, it's probably not a good idea to replace it with fruit or other foods with natural sugars, but what about savory cravings? For example, if you crave Buffalo wings or fried chicken, are you breaking a rule?
This reset is as much about mindset as it is about the food we eat, if not more so. So, if you know you have an unhealthy emotional relationship with certain foods, it's probably not a good idea to replace them with something that's considered a compliant food. It's really important that you actively work on changing these habits during your program. Isn't it so much more about training your brain than your stomach?
And it's not always a sweet craving that can be an issue. Popcorn at night. Cheese. Take Buffalo wings; they are a savory food with complete protein from the chicken and healthy fat from the butter-based sauce. There are so many delicious ready-made brands these days. So, in theory, there is no issue with eating Buffalo wings or dipping your celery sticks in Buffalo sauce now during your reset or any other time …but since you asked, you should consider what’s right for you.
Ask yourself:
Is this a food I tend to overconsume or consume mindlessly? (Can't eat just one?)
Is this a food I tend to reach for if I'm stressed, anxious, bored, or lonely?
Does it make me feel guilt, shame, or remorse after I eat it? (I once overheard a friend say barbecue makes her feel bad. She meant emotionally).
Is this food part of a habit or cycle I'd really like to change?
If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, think, and be critically aware. If you've been reaching for the likes of Buffalo Wings every time you've had a stressful day at work, or any other emotional situation that occurs, that may be a habit you want to change. But if you just really like the flavor of Buffalo sauce and have no emotional attachment or bad habits associated with it, then don't forget to add the celery and a big salad. (Check out the Task tab for my Asian Style Air Fryer Wings recipe.)
Commit to self-awareness and brutal honesty when you’re answering those questions. You're changing your mindset and building new, sustainable habits. For good.