mindset matters

The Paleo Protocol is about brain training as much as it is learning about food. Having a positive frame of mind will set you up for success. Understanding that you can either have a Fixed Mindset (I cannot change things) or a Growth Mindset (I can change things) is key to making sustainable changes to your health. More than willpower, having internal reasons (intrinsic) and a plan to overcome obstacles are what give you the motivation to continue if the going gets tough.

One of the most important factors in creating healthy habits is mindset. You learn what drives you forward and how to overcome limiting beliefs and obstacles.

Follow these 5 steps to help you with your mindset for the protocol.

1: Determine Your Why for the program.

It’s the reason you go back to when things start to feel shaky. Write it down; no one has to see it except you. Make it more than “get healthy”. Go deeper. Ask yourself, “in order to”. Why do you want to get healthy? “In order to” age with vitality? “In order to” have more energy for your kids or grandkids? “In order to” reduce medications? (With doctor approval). Make it your own, not what others believe you should do.

2: Stick to the start date.

You're committed now. Stick a Post-it on your refrigerator, on your car dashboard, bathroom mirror, set a date on your phone calendar with a notification, or whatever it takes for you to stick to your commitment. Then tell your family and friends, and recruit them to be your support system.

3: Obliterate Obstacles.

This is just as important as Your Why. Think of it as “If/Then”. This is so you always know what you’re going to do when faced with something unexpected. “If” the day went long and nothing is prepped for dinner, “Then” I know that one place where I can order a salad with protein. “If” someone brings birthday cake to the office, “Then” I’m going to open my bottle of sparkling water and offer a cheer. “If” I feel like snacking after dinner, “Then” I’ll take a short walk around the block. Planning ahead gives you the tools you need to stick to it.

4: “Crowding Out”

Organize your refrigerator and pantry. Make a list of the ingredients you will be eating, then go shopping. Place all of the compliant foods at eye level, towards the front. Make them take up space. “Crowd out” the foods you won’t be eating. Anything that isn’t compliant can be donated (if unopened), thrown away, or moved out of sight for other family members who may not be participating.

5: Commit to the Rules, Guidelines and Exceptions

Having a complete understanding of the program, what’s allowed and what’s off the list is a key to success.


Daily structure


crowding out