That Sugar Is In Everything

Americans consume

146 pounds of flour per person per year


152 pounds of sugar per person per year

In 1980, the average was 112 pounds of sugar per year. Up 40 pounds in 40 years. There are 600,000 products on the market, and 80% of those contain added sugars. Many of these products did not exist until recently.

  • People consume more sugars because there are more products that contain sugars constantly entering the marketplace.

  • There are over 60 names for sugar; 2 or three can appear on an ingredient label! Use your Sneaky Sugars reference guide

  • Calories in Yoplait yogurt are the same as in a can of soda. (150 calories)

  • Your risk of Cardiovascular Disease goes up with your sugar intake, NOT your fat intake.

  • The RDA for sugar is 25 grams or about 6 teaspoons.

Processed junk foods come to you courtesy of taste laboratories located in major food manufacturers. They determine statistics such as "Stomach Share" or "Bliss Points" of foods in order to "Gain Heavy Users". These are actual terms used by the food industry to ensure their products are having an impact on how you shop, your brain's response and ultimately your cravings. Their goal is to get you addicted so you'll buy more.

Some SciencE-y Stuff

Sugar affects Dopamine, the "pleasure" neurotransmitter in the brain. It actually has the same effect as an opioid in the brain. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine.  45 out of 46 rats in a study preferred sugar over cocaine. Is it any wonder you have a sugar addiction?

Crowding out unhealthy foods seems challenging emotionally, but when you look at the science (and industry) behind why these foods are so palatable, it makes the choice to cut them out of your diet a little easier.


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