Easy Breakfast Sausage
I’m a problem solver. Especially when it comes to foods. When I set out to find, let’s say for example, a breakfast sausage with no sugar. It’s nearly impossible. And I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to make sausage without sugar. (Don’t get me started on my “we eat too much sugar in this country” tirade.
So since finding a no-sugar sausage that doesn’t cost a small fortune is next to impossible, I created one. It’s not my first sausage recipe, if you check back and see my Loukaniko recipe, which is a traditional Greek sausage that I “paleo-tized”, it can certainly be eaten for breakfast, but it’s a wonderful addition to a grilled meats dinner.
So here is an easy, no-fuss breakfast sausage that has all the flavor from some simple spices and no sugar. A healthier alternative, sure, but so delish no one will know.

Easy Breakfast Sausage
Pro Tip
You may want to cook a small portion to taste and adjust for seasoning.