Dishing: My Blog

December 31 would have been my mom’s 93rd birthday.
She was born on New Year's Eve. The 4th child of 5. The only girl. I’ve been told that my grandfather was so happy to have a girl, he got drunk the night she was born. He was not a drinker. My mom was raised by Greek immigrant parents who, were not educated or worldly.
Molasses is a nutrient-dense food, here’s proof.
Since Holiday Baking has been the theme for the last few weeks, I want to share this (edited) article from Dr Sarah Ballentyne, The Paleo Mom, about Molasses. It’s a superfood, and this article has great information from a knowledgeable and reputable doctor who specializes in nutrition and the paleo diet.
Thanksgiving Is Going to Look a Little Different This Year
Despite current events, the pandemic, hurricanes still churning past the official "season", fires and other tragedies this year, believe it or not, I have quite a bit to be grateful for.
Mise en Place and other chef hacks you should know in a home kitchen
You know how, when you ask an employee at the grocery store where a specific item is and they respond “aisle 9 on the right 3rd shelf halfway down the aisle”. That’s my kitchen. My extreme level of organization stems from downright laziness. I’m too lazy to be disorganized. I once heard a chef say “I don’t know if I’m lazy, or smarter.”
To Trick or Treat? Or Not to Trick or Treat? That is the Question.
When we lived in the suburbs of the east side of Cleveland, Ohio, our kids were just the right ages for Halloween, and it was a holiday we all looked forward to celebrating.
sweet caroline
I can’t believe it’s nearly 3 years since I lost this incredible woman. Yes many people lost her, not just me. Her amazing husband Ben. Her gorgeous and brilliant daughters. Her beautiful grandkids. So many friends, too many to count.
August and Everything After
Every summer when the kids were small, we would venture out to Cape Cod for a two-week vacation. Their pre-school would close for 2 weeks in August which was the perfect time to get away.
The Science-y Stuff
Since I've had more time on my hands, I decided to take this culinary journey in a slightly different direction. By now most of you have seen my weekly Paleo Cooking Live! videos on Facebook almost every Wednesday since April. It's been fun to re-imagine my old recipes in more healthful ways, I enjoy sharing what I know about cooking, and so far I haven't run out of idea
How is your summer so far?
It's certainly no surprise that I'm astounded at how fast the summer is slipping by, despite the pandemic, travel restrictions and continuing to shelter in place. Since we’ve mostly stayed put, we’ve been enjoying and appreciating our home a lot more. We relax on the lanai and swim in the pool almost daily. We garden and work on home improvements.
I’m Ready for My Close-Up
I guess this is proof that I've always been a girly-girl. I was more artistic than athletic, and fashion is fun.
On the Rise - or How to Understand Leaveners
Leaveners have been around since the late 1700’s. Using sour milk, for example, in baked goods, would cause a chemical reaction, creating carbon dioxide, or air bubbles, which create “lift” in baked items, yielding a tender crumb and porous texture. Chemical leaveners such as baking soda and baking powder came about in the 1930’s.
The Kids' Table and Don't Eat the Pie
My parents would invite the whole family for a cook-out on summer holidays. Aunts, uncles, cousins. The kids would play games in the backyard while the men drank beer around the grill, and the women were in the kitchen exchanging salad recipes.
In Honor of Fathers
Typically on Mother’s day, we get fancy and take mom to a nice brunch. On Father’s Day it’s usually hot, in the middle of June, so the celebration moves outdoors; boating, fishing, the beach, cookouts, casual, as most dads don’t do fancy, but they deserve a special moment.
How To Clean Your Refrigerator
Have you managed to clean every closet, garage shelf and other various nook and cranny around your home during these past months while sheltering in place? Maybe it’s my OCD, and maybe it’s my kitchen background, but if my refrigerator isn’t clean and organized to my standards, I may hyperventilate a little.
Let's feed each other with love
These recent events are a shock to the system. A blow. I come from The Kitchen. A place where the color of one's skin, their economic status, or their education was never a consideration. In the kitchen, everyone is either capable of their skill set and the tasks immediately at hand, or they're not. End of story. Can you hang?
Here's to the official beginning of Summer! Memorial Day weekend is here!
Before we relocated to Florida, we spent time each summer in Sandwich, on Cape Cod. There was a little ice cream shop that we visited each evening, and the kids loved sharing! Almost as much as I love sharing all of my fun recipes and healthful information with you! Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Ever Since April
Before I became a chef, I was a graphic designer. From the time I could pick up a crayon and write on the walls (which did not make my mother happy) I was creative. I tick different. (I was typing “think” and it auto-corrected to “tick” so I’m leaving it.)
the dish, premiere issue
Traditional Greek cuisine was a big part of growing up in a big fat Greek family. I learned how to cook from my mom and relatives, and worked in commercial kitchens as a pastry chef. After being diagnosed with an auto-immune condition, I changed everything to a paleo lifestyle and thought about other aspects of my life that needed a little "cleaning up".
The lifestyle choices we make will have an impact on our overall health, including longevity, chronic disease and more. So why is it we say “too healthy for me”?