Dishing: My Blog




tina wells tina wells

The What-The-Hell Effect

We recently started biking and kayaking again because the weather has been so beautiful. It feels good to be outside and enjoying activities that are exhilirating without being too “exercise-y”. Find something you love to do, indoors if it’s cold where you are. Do you have an ice rink that has open skating? A mall that lets you walk indoors before retail or after hours? Would you take a dance class?

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tina wells tina wells

Do you have baking traditions?

Baking was a tradition before I became a pastry chef. My daughter and I always found, and still find, a reason to be in the kitchen together. (Paige practicing her piping skills, 1998)

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tina wells tina wells

Fall is My Favorite!

When we lived in Ohio, one of our favorite fall activities was visiting the apple orchard to pick apples, drink cider and walk through the bakery and gift shop. What a scam that turned out to be!

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tina wells tina wells

Are Sweet Treats Your Trigger Food?

Let's face it. Sugar is a recreational drug. Sugary foods are designed to be addictive. Changing our mindset about sugar when we're establishing new, healthy habits is 90% of the battle.

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tina wells tina wells

Thanks for a “Whole” Year

Wow, has it been a year! I'm thrilled that so many of you have joined my little community. I am truly grateful and appreciative of each of you. Mostly because you're making a commitment to yourself!

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tina wells tina wells

When is too much TV too much TV?

Over the past several months I watched all 16 seasons of Grey's Anatomy. Every night I'd sit down and watch one or two. Sometimes three. When the airplane crash happened I watched all of those in succession, I couldn’t stop. Lexi died at the crash site, then McSteamy who couldn't emerge from his coma.

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tina wells tina wells

Spring Cleaning and Stuff

When we were first married, we moved three times within the first 6 years. My mom used to tell people that I would rather move than spring clean. I never appreciated the concept of “spring cleaning”.

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tina wells tina wells

An open letter to my chef colleagues

A few days ago a very dear chef/friend posted on social media a photo of an order ticket at his restaurant. It consisted of three orders, each of them making what he considered to be outrageous menu substitutions while the restaurant was at its busiest. “No bun”, “no egg”, “no cheese”.

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tina wells tina wells

But Isn’t Eating Healthy Expensive?

So, you think eating healthy is an expense you can’t afford? You’ve seen me post on social media and in previous newsletters about the benefits of organic produce and grass-fed, pastured meats.

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tina wells tina wells

Excuses, Excuses

Is there ever a good time to start living a healthy lifestyle? If it's not one thing, it's another. Removing the "restrictive" mentality so one can move forward in developing healthy eating and living habits can cause "analysis paralysis".

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tina wells tina wells

Getting Over “Diet” Mentality

A lot of people ask me why I’m such a believer in the Whole30 protocol. Today, my goal is to dispel much of the misinformation out there. First of all it’s a Whole30. THIRTY. Not a Whole365. Not a Whole-Rest-Of-Your-Life. It’s not a “diet”. It’s not for weight-loss.

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tina wells tina wells

The kid in us

2019 made it challenging to be happy. But consider this: Have you lost the child inside? Were you spontaneous? Outgoing? Impromptu? Wasn’t it simpler when you could do whatever you like because you didn’t have to consider other obligations?

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