March 25 is Greek Independence Day. It usually falls during lent, which makes the celebration somewhat mild compared to other Greek holidays. Since lent is usually spent eating vegan meals, it’s one holiday that allows fish. Fried fish and Skordalia, or “bakalario skorthalia” as it’s called in Greek, is the traditional dish of the day.
Since I enjoy creating gluten/grain and dairy free versions of these types of traditions it allows me to still eat them, and my family enjoys these versions too. The tempura-style batter I use in my Friday Night Fish Fry recipe is perfect solution, so light and crispy. And the Skordalia, is the perfect counterpoint with its bold, garlicky flavor. This dip is so delish, it’s served year-round. Perhaps you’ve had it in a Greek restaurant, usually one of a “trio” of dips on an appetizer menu, along with eggplant dip (melinzanosalata) and hummus.